Post by dek1 on Jun 22, 2012 19:45:11 GMT
Tomorrow I grade for my 4th Kyu, Hiean Godan is ok in fact not too shabby my basics are good (so my sensei tells me) so all the prep work is done. Now its for the nerves so having four beers tonight and tomorrow night I may have a few more well a lot more (lol)
Post by Allan Shepherd on Jun 22, 2012 19:47:47 GMT
Hi Derek
Wish you well for tomorrow.
Best Regards Allan
Post by dek1 on Jun 22, 2012 19:52:24 GMT
Thanks Allan I hate grading but love the courses
Post by ruestir on Jun 23, 2012 15:02:29 GMT
How did you do?
Post by fleur on Jun 24, 2012 8:11:44 GMT
Hope it all went well!
Post by dek1 on Jun 24, 2012 10:16:41 GMT
Yesterday was excellent for me I passed with really good comments from the grading members table. I got some pointers from Sensei Robert about my yoko geri and my foot position and that i still lean a bit in the kumite both he has been trying to solve for ages in me but when i got my pass Sensei Paul said it was the best grading I have had with them. I must admit I walked away from the table really proud of myself which is a bit silly for a 40yr old man but I was.
Post by malk103 on Jun 24, 2012 13:09:08 GMT
It's good to be proud as it's an acheivement, I put passing my Black belt up there with other big life events like marraige, births etc. Well done on your grading, you can tell when someone has put loads of extra effort into them.
Post by fleur on Jun 27, 2012 0:49:36 GMT
Well done Derek!
Post by jimlukelkc on Jun 27, 2012 8:37:21 GMT
Yesterday was excellent for me I passed with really good comments from the grading members table. I got some pointers from Sensei Robert about my yoko geri and my foot position and that i still lean a bit in the kumite both he has been trying to solve for ages in me but when i got my pass Sensei Paul said it was the best grading I have had with them. I must admit I walked away from the table really proud of myself which is a bit silly for a 40yr old man but I was. Nothing silly about it. Quiet pride in a job well done is not silly. Every person who trains hard, dons the white pyjamas and puts themselves through the grading mill is worthy of respect and should feel a sense of achievment. It only gets silly when that quiet pride turns into self-aggrandisement as evidenced in another ( very popular it seems ) post on this site. The truth is every grading is a personal battle that no-one else really gives a shit about. Wear your belt with pride and look forward to that feeling again when ( as you no doubt will) pass the next one.
Post by dek1 on Jun 28, 2012 8:50:22 GMT
Thanks every one I graded last because of work my own clubs grading is tomorrow where along with my daughter who grades for 4th kyu another 20students are being put through the grading mill.